## First configure rsyncd 1 [backup] 2 path=/home/data/Backup/fairphone/ 3 comment=backup for fairphone 4 read only=false 5 uid=markus 6 auth users=markus 7 secrets file=/etc/rsyncd.secret in /etc/rsyncd.conf and in /etc/default/rsync RSYNC_ENABLE=true (OPTS can stay empty) sudo chmod 400 /etc/rsyncd.secret with content: markus:password ## In syncopoli Go to settings Protocol: rsync Serveradr: Port: 873 User: markus Rsync Pass: (what is in /etc/rsyncd.secret) Then add new Local -> Remote "Quellen"/"Source" is either: /storage/self/primary or /storage/emulated/1 (sdcard)