Important Symbols plus/minus sign (±) \pm times symbol (×) \times division symbol (÷) \div tilde sign (~) \sim degree (°) $^{\circ}$ permil () \permil Influencing Symbols Backwards (grave) accent \`{x} tout \`{a} vous = tout à vous Forward (acute) accent \'{x} Gonzal\'{e}z = Gonzaléz Caret symbol \^{x} \`{a} bient\^{o} = à bientô Dieresis (umlaut) \"{x} f\"{u}r = für Anführungszeichen: "`Zitat"' Double quote: \dq Referencing \label{LABEL} create a label to reference it (capital matters) \ref{LABEL} Reference to chapter \pageref{LABEL} Reference to page (Seite~\pageref{VFT}) Formatting {\it this text will be italic} {\bf this text will be boldface} {\tt this text will be typewriter} {\sc this test will be smallcaps(Kapitälchen)} Images (Graphics, Pictures) for .ps use eps \usepackage{graphicx} \graphicspath{{dir_list/}} # the {{}} and slash in the end is no joke \includegraphics{insert_me} Enumerate \begin{enumerate} \item text ... \end{enumerate} Columns \multicolumn{Anzahl}{Format}{Text} Sections \begin{abstract} ... \end{abstract} Listings References: