First do the obvious stuff:
sudo mount --bind /opt /var/iso/build-etch/opt
sudo mount --bind /home /var/iso/build-etch/home
sudo chroot build-etch
su markus

to avoid a man page error:
export LC_ALL=de_AT.UTF-8
export LANG=de_AT.UTF-8

Make sure to source cc for 32bit and cce for 64 bit.
For 64bit ia32-libs need to be installed.
This is for 64bit:

source /opt/intel/cce/10.1.018/bin/

(dont source again, PATH and so on will be written double)

now export compiler:
export CC=icc
export CXX=icpc

Fr Jul 30 13:54:24 CEST 2021
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