
import urllib2
from xml.dom import minidom, Node

def get_xml():
	"""fetches xml file and parses it"""
	#url_info = urllib2.urlopen('http://rennmaus.gysel.at/gerbils.xml')
	url_info = urllib2.urlopen('file:gerbils.xml')

	xmldoc = minidom.parse(url_info)

	return xmldoc

def list_all():
	"""called by function get_xml and read_nodes to list all xml entries in ordered form"""
	rootNode = get_xml().documentElement

	for node in rootNode.childNodes:
		read_nodes(node, rootNode)

def list_single(name):
	"""calls function search to display a single entry"""
	rootNode = get_xml().documentElement

	for node in rootNode.childNodes:
		suche(node, name)
def help():
	"""help function - called with "help", displays all program commands """
	print "Hilfe zu diesem Programm:\n"
	print "help oder ? - gibt diese Hilfe aus"
	print "list - gibt alle verfuegbaren Rennmaeuse und all ihre Daten aus"
	print "names - listet die Namen aller verfuegbaren Rennmaeuse auf"
	print "quit / q - beendet das Programm"
	print "search Name - sucht nach Maus die mit Name beginnt"
	print "todo - zeigt TODO - Liste"
	print "version - zeigt die aktuelle Version an"

def main():
	""" This is the main function, works as a prompt to execute certain commands """
	while 1:
		command = raw_input("rennmaus> ")
		if command == "list":
		elif command == "quit" or command == "q":
			print "Bye!"
		elif command == "help" or command == "?":
		elif command == "version":
		elif command == "todo":
		elif command.startswith('search'):
			name = command[6:].lstrip()#killt die ersten 6 zeichen + alle spaces
			print name
		elif command == "names":
		elif command == "add":
		else: print "Ungueltige Eingabe!"

def read_names():
	"""lists all gerbils names"""
	rootNode = get_xml().documentElement
	print "All gerbil's names:"
	for node in rootNode.childNodes:
		if (node.nodeName == "gerbil"):
			for gerbil_node in node.childNodes:
				print_node(gerbil_node, node, "name", "Name: ")

def read_nodes(node, rootNode):
	""" read_nodes function iterates over all nodes and subnodes - calls print_node to display them"""
	if (node.nodeName == "gerbil"):

		for gerbil_node in node.childNodes:
			print_node(gerbil_node, node, "name", "Name: ")
			print_node(gerbil_node, node, "born", "Geboren: ")
			print_node(gerbil_node, node, "clan", "Zucht: ")
			print_node(gerbil_node, node, "genetics", "Gencode: ")
			print_node(gerbil_node, node, "colour", "Farbe: ")

			if (gerbil_node.nodeName == "eps"):
				print "Epilepsiedaten: \n"
				for eps_node in gerbil_node.childNodes:
					print_node(eps_node, node, "date", "Datum: ")
					print_node(eps_node, node, "intensity", "Intensitaet: ")
					print_node(eps_node, node, "comment", "Kommentar: ")
	print "____________\n"

def suche(node, name):
	"""Searches the XML database for a particular gerbil's data"""
	if (node.nodeName == "gerbil"):
		found = False
		for gerbil_node in node.childNodes:
			if (found == True or get_node(gerbil_node, node, "name").startswith(name)):
				found = True	
				print_node(gerbil_node, node, "name", "Name: ")
				print_node(gerbil_node, node, "born", "Geboren: ")
				print_node(gerbil_node, node, "clan", "Zucht: ")
				print_node(gerbil_node, node, "genetics", "Gencode: ")
				print_node(gerbil_node, node,"colour","Farbe: ")

				if(gerbil_node.nodeName == "eps"):
					print "Epilepsiedaten: \n"
					for eps_node in gerbil_node.childNodes:
						print_node(eps_node, node, "date", "Datum: ")
						print_node(eps_node, node, "intensity", "Intensitaet: ")
						print_node(eps_node, node, "comment", "Kommentar: ")
		print "\n"
def get_node(for_node, node, string):
	"""get_node gets a node below gerbil_node"""
	if (for_node.nodeName == string):
		ret = ""
		for text_node in for_node.childNodes:
			if (text_node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE):
				ret += text_node.nodeValue
	else: return ""
	return ret

def print_node(for_node, node, string, beschreibung):
	"""print_node selects and reads a single node "string", checks its length, if the node isn't empty, get_node prints it"""
	what = get_node(for_node, node, string)
	if len(what) > 0:
		print beschreibung + what

def add_mouse():
	dom = get_xml()
	gerbil = dom.createElement("gerbil")  # creates 
	gerbil.appendChild(append_node(dom, "id", "100"))
	gerbil.appendChild(append_node(dom, "name", raw_input("Name: ")))
	gerbil.appendChild(append_node(dom, "clan", raw_input("Zucht: ")))
	gerbil.appendChild(append_node(dom, "colour", raw_input("Farbe: ")))
	dom.childNodes[0].appendChild(gerbil)  # appends at end of 1st child's children
	print dom.toxml()

def append_node(dom, name, func):
	node = dom.createElement(name)
	txt = dom.createTextNode(func)
	return node

def save2file(content):
	file = open("gerbils.xml", "w")

def version():
	""" prints actual version and version history"""
	print "Version 0.00000001 - marula\n"
	print "Version 0.00000002 - search enabled"

def todo():
	"""todo list"""

	print "TODO-LISTE"
	print 10*"_"
	print "\n"
	print "Change gerbil data"
	print "add new gerbils"
	print "create family trees"
	print "make menu"
	print "indented notations"
	print "Sometimes: PDF - Output of family trees"

Fr Jul 30 13:54:24 CEST 2021
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