Tag 1

Das Motto ist dieses Jahr Volldampf voraus!. Netzwerk Connectivity funktioniert bei mir mit den Einträgen

iface c inet dhcp
	wireless-essid 24C3-volldampf

iface s1 inet dhcp
	wireless-essid 24C3-Saal1

iface s2 inet dhcp
	wireless-essid 24C3-Saal2

iface s3 inet dhcp
	wireless-essid 24C3-Saal3
in /etc/network/interfaces und dann mit
ifup eth1=c
Wobei s2 im Saal3 und s3 im Hackzenter gut funktioniert. Im Zweifelsfall selber die beste Zelle mit
sudo iw list eth1 scan


Wir sind am 26.12 gut in Berlin angekommen. Um 10:00 war die Schlange beim CCC Ticket verkauf noch recht lang und wir haben uns deshalb noch einen Cocktail gegönnt. Um 1:00 war dann zwar nicht viel weniger los, haben aber dann trotzdem gewartet.


Saal 1 Keynote

Die Keynote hat auf sich warten lassen, erst um 11:00, statt wie geplant 10:30 fängt es an. "It is all about Featureee, lets look how we expected the future in the past" sinngemäß fängt es an, und es wird ein Video über das Chaos Communication Camp gezeigt.

Es gibt wieder einer Hackers Ethic Hotline ;) Patrick hat diesesmal ein DESC Phone mit welches wir dann noch ausgiebig testen werden. Es ist nicht nur möglich gratis Weltweit anzurufen, sondern kann auch angerufen werden. Es wird noch berichtet...

Steam Power

Telex Maschine Steam-Powered Telegraphy A League of Telextraordinary Gentlemen present the marvel of Telex on the Net - driven by a steam engine

Mit einer Anspielung auf "Liga der Ausgerwöhnlichen Gentlement" eine genauso intressante wie Lustige vorstellung von Telex Maschinen und einer Dampfmaschine.

Weitere Infos, Projekt

Simulating the Universe on Supercomputers

Vorgetragen von Mark Vogelsberger, Astro-Physiker.


Insgesamt gibt es so um 3x10^22 Sterne. Es gibt ein Standard Model welches die Strukturinformationen beschreibt. Ausgehend von "hot bing bang", "quantum inflation" hat sich alleine durch Quantenflunktuationen alles gebildet.

Die große Frage die sich stellt, kann man durch "Cosmic Microwave Background", das ist ein 13 Milliarden Jahre altes Bild des Universums auf ein aktuelles weiterrechnen? Korrespondiert ein solches virtuelles errechnetes Universum mit den Dichtenverhältnissen die wir jetzt tatsächlich haben?

Can we create a virtual Universe from initial conditions?

Yes, you can do it. Very clever code, extremely fast computers.

Mark Vogelsberger bei Präsentation

Nur 4% von den einfluss nehmenden größen sind Atomen. Es wird somit von den vor 10 Jahren entdeckten "dark matter" und "dark energy" dominiert.

Ab hier ein Teil Englisch, der Vortrag war Englisch und ich habe jetzt keine Lust das alles zu übersetzen ;)

It is dark because it does not interact with electromagnetic. standard particels are not complete: there are particels that could fit it LHC may find some

How is Dark Matter distributed? Most simulate only Milky Way + Helo of Dark Matters inner Region there is a high Density.

new simulation currently running

Best resolution ever, done by VIRGO consortium which are many institues.

It leads to a very impressive Cosmic Web.

Machine: HLRB-II
Millenium Simulation: large fraction of universe
Mpc (Parsek)
	extreme largy dynamic range
1GPc/h up to 4 MPc/h

only 350.000 CPU hours

To say if models are coorect or not you must run a large simulation Fly around Dark Matter objects, nice to look at ;)

How Galaxies are distributed?
Dot for Galaxies

Statistic matching real universe towards simulated
look at single objects and density profiles

Simulating single objects

simulate interaction: include gas and so forth, cost much more cpu power, can't be used for large fraction

virtual satellite in a virtual universe Kuhlen et al, 2007


Started as GADGET Code, public (v2) and internal (v3) version used for millennium, aquarius, is written in ansi c.

Libraries used: mpi, fftw, gsl (for some init stuff)

Dark matter by a finite set of particles extremely light, we take a clumbs of particles modify force law, soft epsilon^2, which is a very crucial parameter

very expensive is calculating forces all particles affect all particles N^2

particle-mesh method

algebraic equation
with FFT
can be paralized well
resolution limited to mesh size

down to N log(N) with octrees divide the whole times, Mesh Method with Tree Method combined Put both forces together (used for Millenium)

Time integration

Should be stable for lots of orbits. beheavior should be correctly The Leapfrog integrator 2nd order accurate symplectic feature implies very good energy shift (none) not used Ringe-Kutta

New ideas

Detector has a size of some meters Analyze this? larger than 1000 billion but highest resolution published "only" ~85mil

Simulate universe on my laptops

pair of collinding galaxies some IDL scripts to visualize the resultions parameterfile (already tuned for examples)

We think Dark Matter is cold (very small). collisionless, do not scatter, more fluid

Optimization for many archtiecture Problems with MPI libraries

Expension is not uniform different coordinate systems has always the same size in computer but needs rescale for physical size

Weitere Informationen dazu, wie man es simuliert, cosmologische N-Body Simulationen, vertiefene Techniken dazu und die Millennium Simulation.

Desperate House-Hackers

How to Hack the Pfandsystem

War leider sehr überfüllt und konnten wir uns nicht anhören ;( Patrick versucht sein DECT Phone anzumelden, mehr dazu später...


Helicopter Drone

Die Gruppe gegenüber von mir baut Hubschrauber selber die mit 4 Rotorblätter in der Luft stehen bleiben können. Sie sind sehr intressant anzusehen.

Make Cool Things with Microcontrollers

von Mitch

This talk was really fun and very motivating hacking again on microcontrollers. My experiences with Microcontrollers were mostly with PIC.

It was mostly about many variations of near the same hardware, called MiniPOV kit. Very cool is that it is completely open source and easy to hack, even for beginners.

It builds about an Atmel AVR Microcontroller.

Brain Machine

You can measure various types of waves in the human brain. They are called Beta for the awake state and alpha for a very passiv state (like watching tv *g*). Its all about Hypnosis, Mediation and Trumming to Trance but you can do it also very cheap with the above mentioned hardware. You can hallucinate without any side-effects.

The creators homepage, Make fair projects and The brain machine :-)!

What is terrorism?

Ehrliche und ergreifende Reportage eines Opfers von Überwachung. "Es kann nicht jeden treffen, aber die die sich trauen etwas zu sagen", in diesem Sinne, gegen jede Überwachung ohne konkreten Verdacht und richterliche Erlaubnis!

Hier gibt es den Blog und der berüchtigte §129! Wird es in Österreich etwas ähnliches geben?

Design Noir

von ladyada

Noir...Schwarz, out from film

Vorgestellt wurden eine Reihe kontroverser und intressanten Projekten. Das erste Projekt, bereits bekannt durch den vorigen Vortrag von Mitch, betreffend Fernseher abschalten von bis zu 100m Entfernung.

Jammer von verschiedenen Frequenzen: GSM, GPS, Bluetooth,..

Scream Saver

Programming DNA

Drew Endy

This was a real excellent talk about DNA hacking. It tries to answer following questions:

Bio-Tec only 30 years old, a very young discipline. It is a

How can Code be searched? Just go to pubmeb and get code of bacteries. But Documentation is not very good ;)

Functional boxes are called genes. But there is a big difference: a little mixup and you don't know what it will do!

There is opensource software BMC Bioinformatics, which tries to simulate what a specific code will do, but these Simulators are not very good, the beheavior is mostly something else.

Lets highlight what is hard

One approch would be to add many new functions to seperate, duplicate multiple used parts to be more understandable for us. That actually works but the tread-of is that it does not grow as fast (40% slower fitness). So these bacteriums would not survive in the nature, but much more easy to understand.

There is an excellent paper from the speaker trying to refactoring bacteriophage T7.

Lets contemplate another problem, how to write the code for a bacterium which smell as wintergreen while growing and as bananas when resting?

Another paper about this topic is Combining two genomes in one cell: Stable cloning of Synechocystis PCC6803 genome in the Bacillus subtillis 168 genome.

Identification of an infectious progenitor for the multiple-copy HERV-K human endogenous retroelements describes 20, 30 different broken copies of the same virus 5 mil years ago. They could extract it and had a fully reproducing one. Environmentally Controlled Invasion Of Cancer Cells by Engineered Bacteria

Others made it to let mice see in 3 colors instead of 2, various genetic pattern formation and DNA to create nanoscale shapes and patterns.

Things we can't do

So the techniques used and working are:

Missing are automated construction out of chemicals. And print out DNA from scratch. Easier to get information about star trek food replicator ;)

How much you can write, goes at least at quickly then reading first bacerial constructed from scrath.

One sequnce is the talkers computer password ;)

The new idea is to build parts for basic biologic f(x) which lets us build devices out of parts.

Together with an Registry of Standard Biological Parts we could build.

iGEM. The said before bacterium smelling like banana was actually build: BSGD.. banasmell generating device

if {growing}
	call Banana()
	call Mint()

Even in the Make magazine there was an article Hack your plants

What changed from previous times?

But there are some issues with this technology: chain of control is circumvented. DNA synthesis and biological security. green-fluenct protein

There are many patents.

The missing parts for programming are:

The last words are: "Best reverse engineering is genetic material".


Johannes Grenzfurthner

Sehenswerte und vorallem hörenswerte Vorstellung von Musik um IT.

There is no way back in culture

Fr Jul 30 13:54:24 CEST 2021
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