= DNS =

dig martin.wuertele.net any
dig orata.debian.or.at any
dig debian.or.at any

tcp over dns: nsdx

= URL =

Identification of Resources


URI: allgemeiner (Schema:schemaspezifischer Teil)
Schemata: xmpp, pop, telnet, mailto
Innoffiziell: zeroconf, fish, svn, tar

IRI: Erweiterung zu Unicode

RFC 2396

= HTTP =

zustandsloses Protokoll für beliebige Daten
Header + Body

echo "GET / HTTP/1.1\nHost: www.w3.org\n" | nc -vv www.w3.org 80
sudo tcpdump -A port 80

Proxies, Caches machen es sehr flexibel

RFC 2068 / 2616

= MIME =

sowohl auf HTML Ebene: a(type), form(accept, enctype), input(accept), link(type), script(type), style(type),..
als auf HTTP Ebene: POST Request Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded, GET, POST,.. Response

in Kategorien augeteilt: text, image, video, audio, application

multipart bei HTTP eher weniger verwendet da HTTP 1.1 mehrere Abfragen pro Session imho das Problem besser löst


Html .. sehr gut von Menschen für Menschen

Atom, RSS .. Newsletters/Update, Format for Computer, Content for Human

XML .. Format & Content for Computer, but readable

JSON .. like XML but more compact syntax at cost of some features (namespaces, URI)

= REST =

REpresentational State Transfer

-> Architektur Stil

Putting it all together...

Verb         Safe Idempotent   Description
HTTP GET     Yes  Yes          GET a resource identified by an URL
HTTP PUT     No   Yes          CREATE or UPDATE a resource identified by a client-specified URL
HTTP POST    No   No           APPEND to a resource identified by a URL
HTTP DELETE  No   Yes          DELETE a resource identified by a URL

Fr Jul 30 13:54:24 CEST 2021
patent_button.gif valid-html401.png elektra.jpg fsfe-logo.png valid-css.png vim.gif anybrowser.gif